Open Mic and Reading by Wisconsin Poet Laureate Nicholas Gulig

September 25th: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm @ Harwood, MLK Lounge

Beginning at 6:30, Ripon High School students, along with Ripon College creative writing students, will participate in an Open Mic, reading work produced in conjunction with Nicholas Gulig’s visits to their classes. At 7:30, Wisconsin Poet Laureate Nicholas Gulig will read from his work.

Upcoming Events


SAAC Bi-Weekly Meeting

The Commons Room: The Heritage Room
Bi-weekly general SAAC meeting[...]

Art Club

Art Club bi-weekly meetings.[...]

EGOR Bi-Weekly Meetings

Johnson Hall, Johnson Main Lounge
EGOR will have Bi-weekly meetings on Tuesdays from 8:00pm - 9:00pm starting September 10th in JML.[...]

ABC Presidential Debate Watch Party

East Hall, Little Theater Room 101
The Center for Politics and the People is hosting a televised debate watch party on September 10th @ 8 pm in East Hall Little Theatre. Students, faculty, and staff, as well as community members are welcome to attend. Pizza and…[...]

BSU Back-To-School Barbeque

Memorial Lawn Room:
BSU’s annual back to school event full of food, music, and friends![...]