Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr.

mlkIn recognition of Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Jan. 21, Ripon College will hold a series of events:

Inauguration Oath Screening
10:30 a.m., Monday, January 21,The Pub, Harwood Memorial Union.
Watch as President Barack Obama renews his vow to lead the nation in his second term.

MLK Week Brunch
11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 22, Great Hall, Harwood Memorial Union.
The brunch will celebrate the Ripon community and community leaders who emulate the ideals of Martin Luther King Jr.
Reservations are requested.

Tim Wise

Tim Wise

Keynote Address
Tim Wise will present the keynote address from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 23, in Great Hall.
Wise is among the most prominent anti-racist writers and educators in the United States. Recently named among the 25 Visionaries Who are Changing Your World by “Utne Reader,” Wise has spoken in 49 states, on more than 600 college campuses and to community groups across the nation about white privilege in America, comparative racism, race and education.

“5 Issues, 5 Leaders, 5 Minutes”
An interactive workshop featuring five prominent Ripon leaders condensing their most thought-provoking and critical perspectives into five intense minutes on issues within one of five topics: media, arts, education, economy and activism. This event will have audience members reflecting and thinking about how they view society and how they observe others. It begins at 5 p.m. in the Dahm Heritage Room, Pickard Commons.

“Continuing the Legacy: What’s Next?”
A 20-minute interactive workshop led by Pieper Chair of Servant Leadership David William Scott, in remembrance of Martin Luther King and continuing his dream. The workshop will begin at 2 p.m. Friday, Jan. 25, in the MLK Lounge of Harwood Memorial Union.

Giving Back Community Service: Guest House Homeless Shelter
On Saturday, Jan. 26, volunteers will spend time at this homeless shelter which serves meals to at least 85 homeless people daily. Food donations will be accepted in the Student Activities Office through Jan. 25. Volunteers will meet at Starbucks in Pickard Commons at 9 a.m. Established in 1982 in Milwaukee, the Guest House is a drop-in center for the homeless.