Bi-Annual Billing
The Business Office generates bills twice per year, shortly before each semester in early July and early December. Students are emailed when statements are ready to be viewed online through the MyRipon portal.
The first semester bill is generated by the Business Office in the summer prior to the start of the academic year and includes charges for the comprehensive fee: tuition, housing, food and a student activity fee.
Scholarships, grants and loans from and through the College are credited directly to your account, half to each semester. On-campus work study employment wages are credited to your account or paid directly to you biweekly, depending on the arrangement you make with the Business Office.
Full payment is to be sent to Ripon’s Business Office by the due date stated on each semester’s bill or an acceptable payment plan must be in place by that date. Ripon College offers an interest-free payment plan for a $35 enrollment fee per semester. Students can find payment plan enrollment information under the ‘Students’ tab of the MyRipon portal.
Ripon College has a refund policy that directly reflects federal regulation and applies to all students whether or not they are receiving federal financial aid. Click here to view our refund policy.
Email the Director of Student Accounts at [email protected] or call 920-748-8769 for assistance. The Director of Student Accounts is located within the Business Office on the first floor of Smith Hall.
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