Scott Presents on Methodist Missionaries

David William ScottDavid Scott, the Pieper Family Foundation Chair in Servant-Leadership, gave two presentations at conferences this Spring. On April 14, he presented “Methodists in Malaysia and the Making of the Global World” at ASIANetworks in Nashville, Tenn. “This presentation,” he says, “summarizing from my dissertation work, argues that Methodist Missionaries to Malaysia at the turn of the twentieth century helped form some of the networks that we now call ‘globalization.’”

Scott also presented at the American Society of Church History conference in January. “Growing a Church, Growing a Colony: Foochow Settlers in Sarawak,” examined the work of Rev. James Hoover, a Methodist missionary to Sarawak in the early twentieth century. Hoover helped introduce a number of new crops, production technologies, and modes of transportation to the Chinese settlements in Sarawak. These innovations allowed the colonies to grow, become financially sustainable, and thus provide a stable basis for the Methodist Church in Sarawak.

To visit David W. Scott’s Faculty Profile page, click here.

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