Ripon College helps kick off 2013 Ripon Area United Way campaign

The 2013 Ripon Area United Way campaign was launched at an opening reception hosted at the home of Ripon College President Zach Messitte and his wife Julia.

Every year, the United Way selects a pacesetter organization, and this year Ripon College will fill that role. As a pacesetter, the College community’s goal is to raise $7,000, the equivalent of 10% of the Ripon Area United Way’s overall goal of $70,000.

Messitte and Puhlmann-Becker

Ripon College President Zach Messitte with Ripon Area United Way President Jeff Puhlmann-Becker

In order to reach that goal, preparations are underway for a number of events, including a student, faculty, and staff basketball game, a soon-to-be-launched fundraising effort for the college’s faculty and staff, button sales at the homecoming football game, and other events and efforts to help raise funds for 19 separate local human service organizations that help the community in a variety of crucial ways.

At the kick-off event, Jeff Puhlmann-Becker, President of the Ripon Area United Way Board of Directors introduced Ripon College President Zach Messitte who talked about the College’s connection to the community and the importance of the College community’s engagement with the city of Ripon. “There’s nothing that says engagement better than the United Way,” said Messitte, “and the good work that they do around town. We know we are going to meet our goal.”

Ripon College has participated in the United Way drive since 1993. Faculty and staff should have received a donation form via campus mail and our encouraged to give generously to this worthy cause. They should also keep their eyes open for small, red pigs.

To make a gift to the Ripon Area United Way online and learn more about their contributions to the community, click here.

Questions about the College’s efforts can be referred to Reshma McHale, United Way Initiative Drive Coordinator at [email protected]