Ripon College Hosts WPSA/WSA Conference
Ripon College is hosting the joint annual meeting of the Wisconsin Sociological Association and the Wisconsin Political Science Association on October 11, 2013. This year’s conference is focused on the theme: “The Global Financial Crisis and its Social, Cultural, and Political Consequences.” The organizations selected the theme because it, “reflects the many fiscal challenges that we are facing in our social and political worlds and the consequences of them.”
The conference will provide faculty and students from colleges and universities across Wisconsin the opportunity to explore topics revolving around that theme, present their scholarly work, and engage in dialogue in a variety of forums and panels. Sessions included will focus on sub-themes such as: Study Abroad, Education Abroad; Identities, Attitudes, and Political Action; Gender, Sexualities, and Society; Political Issues; Experiential and Online Learning; and others.
To learn more about the conference and the Wisconsin Sociological Association, click here.