Nygard Article Appears in SECAC Review

Travis Nygard

Travis NygardAssistant Professor of Art and Chair of the Art Department Travis Nygard co-authored an article that appears in the 2013 issue of the Southeastern College Art Conference Review. The article, “Indians Playing Indian at the Midwestern Corn Palaces, 1892-2013,” was written with the late Pamela Simpson, a professor of art history at Washington and Lee University.

In addition, Nygard’s review of Antidiets of the Avant-Garde: From Futurist Cooking to Eat Art by Cecilia Novero, recently appeared in the June 2013 edition of Food, Culture, and Society: An International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research. This draws on Nygard’s long interest in food and farming in art. Nygard’s research has focused on such topics as murals for the Corn Palace in South Dakota and depictions of agribusiness in painting, sculpture, and photography.

To visit Travis Nygard’s faculty profile page, click here.

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