Jazz Ensemble to Perform

Kurt DietrichThe Ripon College Jazz Ensemble will perform at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 6, in Demmer Recital Hall, C.J. Rodman Center for the Arts on the Ripon College campus.

Kurt Dietrich Professor of Music and Barbara Baldwin DeFrees Chair in the Performing Arts, will be directing.

The concert is free and open to the public.

The program will feature blues, rock and roll, and music about trains. Two of Duke Ellington’s most colorful works, “Daybreak Express” and “Happy Go Lucky Local,” are about trains.

The band will perform several blues numbers, primarily from the pen of the tremendously talented yet undervalued jazz composer Oliver Nelson.

Radiohead is not a traditional rock band, and their music has inspired renditions by a number of contemporary jazz artists. The Jazz Ensemble will play inventive big band versions of two of their songs, “Paranoid Android” and “Bodysnatchers.”

Also to be performed are compositions and/or arrangements by two talented young Wisconsin writers, Eric Schoor and Paul Dietrich. The Jazz Improvisation Group also will appear on the program.

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