Colucci in Washington Times, US News & World Report

Lamont Colucci

Lamont ColucciLamont Colucci, associate professor of politics and government and director of the national security studies program at Ripon College recently had a column appear in The Washington Times.

In his column, “A day of reckoning over Iraq,” Colucci draws comparisons between the United States’ withdrawal from Iraq and the 1745 battle of Louisbourg in Canada. He considers the current ramifications of the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq and the emergence of the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria.

Click here to read his entire piece.

In addition, Colucci contributed a column to the US News & World Report website analyzing the recent World Economic Forum held in Davos, Switzerland. In particular, Colucci writes about a panel at the Forum, “The Future of U.S. Power;” Senator John McCain’s stance during the panel discussion; and the various views of U.S. power apparent at the Davos forum. Colucci writes, “The Davos effete elite have a vested interest in American retreat except when it is on their terms of promoting the free flow of money and business across the globe.”

Click here to read the entire piece online.

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