Ripon students earn national forensics honors

Three Ripon College forensics students competed at the Pi Kappa Delta National Comprehensive Tournament, held at the University of Kentucky March 17-20. They are Katie Warczak ’16 of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, Ryan Edquist ’17 of Ripon, Wisconsin, and Megan Ringo ’18 of Crete, Illinois.
Warczak earned an Outstanding Legislator Award and Peer Respected Legislator Award in Congressional Debate; and Quarterfinalist awards in Extemporaneous Speaking, Communication Analysis and Editorial Impromptu.
Edquist earned an Outstanding Legislator Award in Congressional Debate.
The director of forensics is Adam Jacobi, who also serves as executive director of the Wisconsin High School Forensic Association. Former Ripon Professor Egbert Ray Nichols co-founded the Pi Kappa Delta forensic honorary society in 1911. The organization’s Hall of Fame still is housed at Ripon College to this day.
(Photo: Ryan Edquist ’17, left, Katie Warczak ’16 and Megan Ringo ’18)