Class of 2020 to be welcomed Saturday at Matriculation Convocation

The Class of 2020 will officially be welcomed to the Ripon College campus during Matriculation Convocation Saturday, Aug. 20. The ceremony will begin at 3 p.m. in Great Hall of the Harwood Memorial Union.
New Ripon College students will be presented with a coin during the ceremony. Instituted by President Zach. P. Messitte in 2013, the coin, along with a handshake from the president, welcomes new students into the Ripon College academic community and symbolically initiates their march toward gradation. The coin features the Ripon College clock tower and the date of the convocation on one side and the Ripon College seal on the other.
The ceremony will include a welcome and charge to the class of 2020 by Messitte; an address by Vice President and Dean of Faculty Ed Wingenbach; presentation of the Class Banner; and a welcome from the community of Ripon.
Students are asked to gather in the Pub in the lower level of the Union.