14th Congressional District candidate, Brian Smith, will speak Sept. 22

Brian Smith, the mayor of Waupaca, Wisconsin, and a candidate for Wisconsin’s 14th Congressional District, will speak at Ripon College Thursday, Sept. 22. The talk will begin at 6:30 p.m. in Kresge Little Theatre, East Hall. It is sponsored by the College’s Center for Politics and the People.

Smith has spent his life serving the people of Wisconsin. As a small business owner and Waupaca’s mayor for the last 15 years, Smith advocates what it takes to support our way of life in central Wisconsin. He plans to bring an independent voice to the State Senate and to work across the aisle to do what’s best for our communities.

As a former educator of 11 years, Smith mentored students as a high school sports coach and served as president of his local teachers’ association. This helps to give him a broad understanding of our public school system and appreciation for the hard work of educators.

In the State Senate, he plans to place a high priority on re-investing in Wisconsin’s public schools so that every child can achieve their fullest potential in life.

Born fifth in a family of 10 children, Smith is a lifelong Wisconsinite who plans to support local control to ensure that our communities can make their own decisions about how to best govern themselves; work to fund our local schools; support small business job creators; protect access to clean drinking water; and invest in Wisconsin’s infrastructure.

Live streaming video of Smith’s presentation will be available on YouTube.