Ripon College panel to discuss national elections Nov. 15

Vote 2016

“What Happened in the Elections?”, a panel reflecting on the recent national elections, will be held Tuesday, Nov. 15, at Ripon College. The program will begin at 4:15 p.m. in Kresge Little Theatre, East Hall, and is sponsored by the Center for Politics and the People. All are welcome to attend.

The panelists will discuss what happened during the recent presidential and congressional campaigns and describe the learning experiences as the nation tries to come together after such an emotional and bitterly divisive campaign.

Panelists will include: Zach Messitte, president and professor of politics and government; Meg Carne, special assistant to the president and liaison to the Board of Trustees; Henrik Schatzinger, associate professor of politics and government; Rose Hogmire ’18 of Lake Elmo, Minnesota; and Christian Ryan ’19 of Caledonia, Wisconsin.

Ed Wingenbach, vice president and dean of faculty, will be the moderator.