Junior receives scholarship to conduct internship in Germany

Molly Nellen

Molly Nellen ’18 of Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, was awarded a DAAD (Deutscher Akademisher Austauschdienst / German Academic Exchange Service) scholarship for the spring 2017 Bonn semester. She will have an internship with the Biological Station of the University of Bonn.

She was one of the “highly qualified undergraduate students” (quoted from the DAAD website) chosen for the award.

“This is an impressive and highly competitive honor,” says Lorna Sopcak, professor of German, chair of the department and director of the Bonn Program.

“I have been learning German for many years now and have always wanted to study abroad in Germany, so I was very excited for the opportunity to participate in the Bonn program,” Nellen says. “Since I have majors in both German and biology, I was hoping to still be able to focus on both subjects while I was abroad. Because of this I arranged an internship with the biological station in Bonn, which works on conservation of local plants and wildlife.

“I hope to one day study or work in Germany, so I think this experience will be a very useful stepping stone for me,” she says.

For her senior seminar presentation, Nellen discussed “Medizinische Ethik während des Holocausts” (“Medical Ethics during the Holocaust”) on Dec. 8.