Segregation symposium to be held at Ripon College

The Center for Diversity and Inclusion and the Center for Politics and the People at Ripon College again are combining forces for Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2017 event. A three-hour symposium will be held from 4-7 p.m. Monday, January 16, in Great Hall, Harwood Memorial Union, on the campus. The focus will be on segregation in regard to housing, education and employment and how we can make a difference.

Expert facilitators will lead discussions on the topics as well as the group discussion. All are encouraged to attend, and community members are welcome. Dinner will be provided. To participate, sign up here.

The facilitators for the program will be:

  • John Wiley, owner of Elipticon Wood Products Inc.; co-founder and former director of Loansifter; and a founding member and former director of Outlook Graphics Corp.
  • Nate Holton, a former member of the Milwaukee County Justice Council and director of the communications office of the Milwaukee County executive.
  • Jim Nelson, who teaches high school social studies classes at Golda Meir School. He has a Ph.D. in history from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and his research focuses on Milwaukee history, race and the history of education.