Students to discuss integration Jan. 25

Martin Luther King Jr.

As part of Martin Luther King Jr. Week on campus, on Wednesday students will discuss how integrated the Ripon College community is. The program will run from 4:15 to 5:15 p.m. in Kresge Little Theater, East Hall. All are welcome to attend. The panel of students will discuss integration of races, gender, class, ability and more.

Panelists and the groups they represent include:

  • Abby Korb ’20 of Burlington, Wisconsin, Feminists
  • Nnamdi Ezoke ’20 of Monee, Illinois, Black Student Union
  • Sam Ginkel ’19 of Mequon, Wisconsin, Queer Straight Alliance
  • Jairo Javier ’19 of Chicago, Illinois, La Unida
  • Rachel Stanley ’17 of Waukesha, Wisconsin, DREAM
  • Ermias Woldu ’19 of Ethiopia, Cultural Diversity Club

Rachel Steiner ’17 of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, will be the moderator.

The discussion also will be live streamed on YouTube (and later archived) at Ripon College Live Events.