Pops concert to be presented outside May 3

Harwood Memorial Union, June 20, 2016

The Ripon College Symphonic Wind Ensemble and Jazz Ensemble will perform a free Pops concert Wednesday. The concert will begin at 5 p.m. on the lawn of Harwood Memorial Union.

Symphonic Wind Ensemble will perform audience favorites from previous concerts, as well as new selections, including music by John Williams; and “Highlights from Beauty and the Beast,” by Howard Ashman and Alan Menken. Two selections will feature student conductors Kate Myszewski ’19 of Appleton, Wisconsin, and Naomi Ferrel ’17 of Columbus, Wisconsin.

Jazz Ensemble will feature Duke Ellington’s “Caravan” and other great jazz selections.

The concert will be outdoors. The audience may sit on the ground and eat, as food will be served outside. In case of rain, the performance will be inside S.N. Pickard Commons.

Kurt Dietrich is the conductor of both groups.