Special events honor Women’s History Month at Ripon College

Women's History Month

Several events are planned to celebrate Women’s History Month during March.

  • March 7: Viewing of “Suffragette,” a 2015 award-winning film about women who fight for equality and the right to vote, 5 p.m., Dahm Heritage Room, S.N. Pickard Commons.
  • March 23: Live podcast of Pantsuit Politics, among the top 5 percent of all podcasts with more than 50,000 subscribers and 1.4 million downloads, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., Great Hall, Harwood Memorial Union.
  • March 26: Join the Ripon College Feminists and Women’s History Month committee for this open mic-style event. Come to listen or to perform, 5:30 p.m.. The Spot.
  • March 27: Letter-writing campaign. Write to a female senator, Congresswoman or politician about your thoughts, concerns or praises. All materials will be provided. Co-sponsored by the Ripon College Democrats and the Ripon College Republicans. 11 a.m. to1 p.m., Dining Hall of the Commons.