Popular podcast Pantsuit Politics to air live from Ripon College March 23

A live podcast of Pantsuit Politics, among the top 5 percent of all podcasts with more than 50,000 subscribers and 1.4 million downloads, will air Friday, March 23, from Ripon College.
The popular political podcast will run from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in Great Hall, Harwood Memorial Union. It is sponsored as part of Women’s History Month by the Ripon College Democrats, Ripon College Center for Diversity and Inclusion, and the Center for the Study of Institutions and Innovation.
The two hosts bill their program of left-right conviviality as: “Sarah from the left. Beth from the right. No shouting. No insults. Plenty of nuance.” Kentucky-based pals Sarah Stewart Holland, a city commissioner, and Beth Silvers, a lawyer and business leader, mull over the big issues such as analysis of the Iran nuclear deal alongside Weinstein chat and a reflection on how romance can survive the political divide.
Tickets for the live podcast are free, but guests are encouraged to reserve tickets here.
Pantsuit Politics is heard in all 50 states and around the world. On Tuesdays, the hosts cover the news of the week and have an extended discussion about a single topic. On Fridays, they discuss updates and listener feedback.
They say, “Practicing respectful dialogue builds intellectual, emotional and spiritual muscles in ways that benefit us for beyond politics.”
Pantsuit Politics has been featured by Parents Magazine, Elle Magazine, Bustle, Decode DC, The Simple Show and What Should I Read Next?, as well as other podcasts.
Guest reviews are enthusiastic. “I have attended a show in Nashville and it was even better than I thought it could be,” one said. “The hosts are gracious engaging speakers, who want to have the hard conversations in a way both introverts and extroverts can appreciate and join. I come away enriched every week from their podcast. At the live show, I felt like I had come away from the best religious experience. I was filled with both hope and purpose, and a desire to help make the world a better place. I hope to see them again soon.”
Another said, “Beth Silvers and Sarah Stewart Holland of Pantsuit Politics bring engaging conversation and thoughtful analysis to podcast listeners each week. This nuanced approach to dialogue is elevated in front of a live audience as observers get to witness the grace and respect that is possible during challenging conversation. The ladies of Pantsuit Politics encourage other to learn and to grow an organic way that is not only relevant but lacking in current public discourse.”