Colucci shines spotlight on North Korean-Syrian complicity in Washington Times article

Lamont Colucci

Associate Professor of Politics and Government Lamont Colucci published an opinion piece March 28 in The Washington Times titled “How North Korea flouts international sanctions.”

In the article, Colucci highlights key findings from a not-yet-released U.N. Security Council report dated March 1, 2018, which explains in detail how North Korea and other rogue nations are cooperating “to steal military secrets” and obtain weapons.

“It provides proof positive that rogue regimes such as North Korea, Syria, Iran, and now Burma, bolstered by Russia and China are the prime actors of instability dooming the world to further chaos and violence — this is state terrorism at its worst,” writes Colucci.

He shines the spotlight on the increasingly dangerous relationship between North Korea and Syria. According to Colucci, the U.N. has been able to track “40 North Korean shipments from 2012 and 2017 to Syria’s Scientific Studies and Research Centre, the Syrian governmental organ that handles chemical weapons. The report also demonstrates North Korean personnel operating chemical weapons and missile facilities inside Syria.”

Click here to read the entire Washington Times article.

Madison Huseboe
Ripon, Wis.