Jan Wrede ’64 has a new edition of her Texas field guide released

Jane “Jan” Wrede ’64 of Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, recently published a second edition of her field guide “Trees, Shrubs and Vines of Texas Hill Country.” The comprehensive plant chart “makes tips about color, scent, flowering period, height, site preference, and wildlife and livestock utilization easily accessible.” The book is available on amazon.com.

Wrede majored in biology at Ripon and also holds a degree in entomology from the University of Kansas.

Wrede’s past publications include “Attracting Birds in the Texas Hill Country,” co-written with Rufus Stephens. This bird conservation guidebook demonstrates how to improve habitats for birds on large and small properties throughout the region.

Currently, Wrede is working on biography of Judge Olly Neal, an Arkansas Civil Rights activist who was the first African American district prosecuting attorney appointed in Arkansas. Wrede expects her work to go to press within the next year.