Haylee Conradt ’19 receives $3,000 scholarship from WAICU and partners

Haylee Conradt '19

Haylee Conradt ’19 of Shiocton, Wisconsin, majoring in biology and educational studies, has been selected to receive a $3,000 scholarship provided by the Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (WAICU) and its national partners, the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) in Washington, D.C., and the UPS Foundation in Atlanta, Georgia.

Nationally, CIC provided more than $1.6 million in student scholarships to make private colleges and universities more affordable and accessible to underserved students. This year, WAICU awarded $72,000 in CIC/UPS Scholarships to 24 low-income students at private institutions across Wisconsin.

“Student aid is critically important in making a college education a reality for many students who may not otherwise have had the opportunity to pursue and complete their degree,” said Dr. Rolf Wegenke, WAICU president. “We are grateful to the CIC and UPS for their partnership in supporting our students’ success.”