One-act play by Anne Negri ’03 will be presented this weekend
A one-act play by Anne Negri ’03 will be produced Thursday through Sunday at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. “Not a Test” addresses issues surrounding standardized testing in public schools and the lasting impact it has on those who don’t meet the standards.
An article about the show was published on the local website on April 23. On Thursday, Negri will meet the audience after the show. Negri is a grades K-8 drama specialist in the Evanston/Skokie District 65 public schools of Illinois. She is a graduate of Arizona State University’s MFA program in theatre for youth. At Ripon College, she earned degrees in theatre, French and K-12 education.
You may learn more about Negri and her plays, including “Not a Test,” at her website.