We’re still here: Grace Sullivan ’20

Grace Sullian '20

A career in music is being planned by Grace Sullivan ’20 of Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

At Ripon, she is majoring in music with a minor in business management. She plans to continue teaching voice, cello and piano from her music studio in Oshkosh.

“One of the most important lessons I’ve learned at Ripon College is that people truly make the difference in an experience, and that making an immense positive impact can begin with something as simple as respecting and caring about others,” Sullivan says.

She says that to cope with the off-campus end of the year, “I’m trying to stick to routines, establish healthy habits and stay in touch with friends and family. It’s been tough to lose so many experiences I had anticipated having at the end of my college experience, but this has reminded me of the value of giving 100% every day, and not taking for granted what’s to come. Our commencement ceremony wasn’t the most important part of college. The most important part was all the hard work and great experiences we had to get there, and the things that really matter can’t be taken away.”