We’re still here: Mya Yupar Oo ’20

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After graduation, Mya Yupar Oo ’20 of Rangoon, Myanmar, will be seeking a job and opportunities, hopefully in the field of consulting.
She is a business management major with a communication minor.
“The most important lesson from Ripon College is to break my comfort zone and try out different things,” she says. “This could mean trying something new such as taking public speaking class or even joining student organizations. Ripon offers many academic and extracurricular activities but you may not know unless you put yourself out there, so I think getting involved with campus is really important.”
While finishing the semester remotely, she says, “I miss getting ready to go to classes and seeing friends on campus. I will miss in-person meetings and lectures from professors. It is hard for the class of 2020 to graduate at a tough time like this, but I am sure we all will get through this. We just need to be more patient and hopeful because eventually things will work out.”