Internship shows inner workings of local government to Michael Cohoon ’21

Michael Cohoon '21

Michael Cohoon ’21 of Union Grove, Wisconsin, was able to take part in the political process thanks to a CPP Fellowship grant for student interns in public policy or politics from the Center for Politics and the People at Ripon College.

He interned for the City of Kenosha (Wisconsin) Clerk’s Office. He set up the internship himself by emailing the office, which needed assistance with the April election and with entering tax payments.

He was able to work on site during the entire internship and entered in absentee ballot requests, helped count absentee ballots, entered tax payments and applications for various city licenses, and printed and distributed meeting agendas to aldermen.

Cohoon, who is double majoring in sociology and politics and government, said, “I learned some of the inner workings of government at the city level. I also learned a lot about our election processes.

“Interning for the City of Kenosha Clerk’s Office assured me that I want to pursue a job working for the government on a local level. I love the amazing community of Kenosha and cannot wait to return there after my time in Ripon”.