Martin Farrell will present online lecture March 1

Martin Farrell

Professor Emeritus of Politics and Government Martin Farrell will present a live, online lecture March 1 for the Manitowoc Public Library. “China’s Role in Africa” is part of the library’s Great Decisions lecture series.

“The Covid-19 crisis has put a massive strain on what was a growing positive economic and political relationship between China and the continent of Africa. As Chinese President Xi Jinping’s centerpiece ‘Belt and Road initiative’ continues to expand Chinese power, the response to the spread of Covid-19, as well as the African government’s growing debt to China, has seen pushback. What are some of the growing economic and political issues between China and Africa?” ~ from the library’s description of Farrell’s presentation.

The presentation will be live streamed on the library’s Facebook page and its YouTube channel. The talk is free, and no registration is required.