Class of 2021: Aubry Herbon
We celebrate the Class of 2021, what they have achieved during their years at Ripon and what they hope to achieve in the next chapter of their lives.
Aubry Herbon ’21 attended Ripon College and the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, double-majoring in special education and elementary education with a minor in English.
She hopes to first work in the education field and then attend graduate school in the future.
“One of the most important lessons I learned through my college career is about endurance and determination,” she says. In her sophomore year, her major was cut, and she started attending UW-Oshkosh to continue in her dream to student special education. She took a large number of credits and teaching practicums through both institutions, which proved challenging.
“I knew that with my important support systems in my life, I had the support to feel determined on the tough days and gained the endurance to follow my dreams,” she says. “Now I am graduating and am very proud that I was able to power through the tough days and could graduate in four years for my dream career path. It has provided me even more experiences for my field and a greater love and appreciation for education.”
Her special memories include her first day at Ripon and her first day at UW-Oshkosh. “Growing up, I knew I wanted to attend a smaller school for that personal connection with my professors, community and peers. I was relatively nervous my first day at Ripon but so excited to start my journey to my career. Then I compare it to my first day at UW-Oshkosh and I was given the best of both worlds. I was able to attend my home institution for the small campus experience and now attending UW-Oshkosh for the large campus experience. I was very excited and confident on my first day and I am thankful that I can reflect on my own personal growth and development.
“I also cherished being the president of a student organization, the Student Education Association, on campus. Though COVID impacted some of my original plans with my organization, I was thankful for the opportunity to partner with the Ripon College education department to develop myself and the students of the education department, both personally and professionally.”
To read stories about other members of the Class of 2021, visit