Henrik Schatzinger quoted in Belgian newspaper article

Henrik Schatzinger, associate professor of politics and government and co-director of the Center for Politics and the People, was cited in an article in March published in the Belgian newspaper La Libre.

Former President Trump raised more than $100 million after the 2020 election, telling supporters that he would use the funds to fight election fraud. He also sent cease-and-desist letters to GOP organizations, asking them to stop using his name in fundraising campaigns.

La Libre contacted Schatzinger given that he and Steven Martin, professor of communication at Ripon College, published the book Game Changers last year, which examines the effects of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United (2010) decision.

The newspaper was asking how Trump would use the $100 million going forward, and Schatzinger argued that “without Twitter, Trump needs money to influence the trajectory of the Republican Party, and he will likely use the funds to support Trump loyalists in future campaigns. At the same time, he may use some funds to support Republican primary challengers in the re-election campaigns of GOP incumbents who have criticized Trump in the past.”

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