Class of 2021: Kirsten Funk
We celebrate the Class of 2021, what they have achieved during their years at Ripon and what they hope to achieve in the next chapter of their lives.What are your majors and minors?
Kirsten Funk ’21 of Menasha, Wisconsin, is majoring in chemistry-biology and minoring in health. She will be working in the medical field to gain more experience in patient contact before attending medical school.
“The most important lesson that I will be taking from Ripon College is that connections are everything,” she says. “When meeting new people, you will never know the impact that they will have on your life. Some of the greatest people (who) will help you accelerate within your life come when you least expect it.”
She says her special memories from Ripon College “are all of the opportunities that I had to grow as an individual along with growing within my professional career.”
To read stories about other members of the Class of 2021, visit