Class of 2021: Ali Hamza

We celebrate the Class of 2021, what they have achieved during their years at Ripon and what they hope to achieve in the next chapter of their lives.

Ali Hamza ’21 of Hafizabad, Pakistan, double majored in English as well as politics and government, and double minored in business management, and law and society. He plans to work for one year to gain professional experience, then attend law school.

“I joined the cross country team in my junior year,” he says. “That was an awesome experience where I made a lot of friends, and the team was like my family. Being an athlete taught me how you need to balance your studies and other things. Besides that, I also miss the conversation I had with my professors.

“Another thing Ripon College taught was how you can avail any opportunities you intend to. It’s all in you and people are there to guide you. Just ask and resources of ample help will be available, especially at the Ripon College community.”

To read stories about other members of the Class of 2021, visit