Jahaira Gonzalez ’23 to learn Indonesian through Project GO

Jahaira Gonzalez ’23 of Round Lake Beach, Illinois, has been awarded a scholarship to participate in Project GO and learn Indonesian over the summer.

Project Global Officer (Project GO) is a Department of Defense initiative intended to improve the language skills, regional expertise, and intercultural communication skills of ROTC cadets and future military leaders. Project GO funds domestic and overseas ROTC language programs and scholarships while working with Army, Air Force and Naval ROTC units throughout the United States.

Cadets who take advantage of the program will be immersed into a new culture and be given an extensive education on a critical language to the military. Benefits include: receiving a fully funded scholarship for critical language study, improving language proficiency, qualifying for language proficiency bonus pay, opening pathways to new career opportunities that require language and area studies, and earning university credits and fulfilling language requirements.

Gonzalez is majoring in psychology.