Class of 2021: Dasia Davis

We celebrate the Class of 2021, what they have achieved during their years at Ripon and what they hope to achieve in the next chapter of their lives.
Dasia Davis ’21 of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, majored in psychology. She will enroll into the Milwaukee Police Department. After taking a year off from schooling, she will pursue a master’s degree while she continues her career as a police officer. “I hope to soon become a FBI profiler,” she says.
The most important lesson she learned at Ripon, she says, was that “stepping outside of your comfort zone is not bad. I tried a lot of new things and branched out a lot more, which isn’t something I usually do. But I am happy that I did!
“My special memory is leaving my mark and name in the athletic record book for top 10 in school history for track and field three times in one season!”
To read stories about other members of the Class of 2021, visit