Ripon College welcomes new hires for fall 2021

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Ripon College welcomes new staff and faculty members who have joined Ripon College during this calendar year.


  • Steve Bellin-Oka, Wisconsin’s Own Library poet-in-residence.
  • Lillian Brown, visiting professor of theater.
  • Paul Thompson, assistant professor of music.
  • Jeremiah Vaughan, assistant professor of exercise science.


  • Christopher Cramer, adjunct instructor of music, guitar lessons.
  • Paul Dietrich, director of the Ripon College Jazz Ensemble.
  • Chuong H. Ma, adjunct instructor of economics and business management.
  • The Very Rev. C. Patrick Perkins, director of the Ripon College Orchestra.
  • Merranda Schmid ’18, adjunct instructor of chemistry.
  • Molly Spaulding, adjunct instructor of exercise science.
  • Ann Stephan, adjunct instructor of music, violin and viola lessons, upper strings sectional leader for College Orchestra.
  • Juliane Troicki, adjunct professor of politics and government.
  • Christopher T. Wood, adjunct professor of digital art.


  • Stephanie Boahen ’21, post-graduate assistant for Admission and Student Life.
  • Katy Crane, assistant registrar.
  • Carolyn Crist, visitor experience coordinator/admission counselor.
  • Mamadou Diallo, assistant residence hall director.
  • Abel Gonzalez Rodriguez ’20, technology support specialist/programmer.
  • Jorge Gutierrez ’17, academic support specialist for C.J. Rodman Center for the Arts.
  • Mary Hatlan, director of the Center for Career and Professional Development.
  • Luke Leitner, financial aid counselor.
  • Rachel Leonard, assistant coach and recruiting coordinator for track and field.
  • Cole Markee, director of student accounts.
  • Marco Ordonez, admission counselor.
  • Paula Stettbacher, director of human resources.


  • Alex Harty, assistant coach of volleyball.
  • David Scott, associate professor of mathematical sciences, is now also an assistant soccer coach.


  • Peter Sensenbrenner, formerly adjunct instructor of business management, is now instructor of business management.
  • Jack M. Christ, professor emeritus of economics and business management, is an adjunct professor of economics and business management, fall semester.
  • Martin Farrell, professor emeritus of politics and government, is an adjunct professor of politics and government.


  • JD Gildemeister, general manager.
  • Beth Pierce, catering manager.


  • Brandon Lobianco, maintenance.
  • Laurie “Louie” Yansick, housekeeper.

For biographies of new faculty and staff members, visit