Travis Nygard featured on television segment about historic Ripon table

Travis Nygard, associate professor of art, was featured on a news report Thursday on the television station Fox 11 News. The segment can be viewed here.

The report is about a table hand-crafted in Ripon in 1892-93. The Ripon Historical Society is raising $3,000 to cover the cost of purchasing the table from a Seattle antiques dealer and bringing the unique piece back to Ripon.

“So often you see furniture that may be made from a relatively small number of pieces of wood, but the sheer amount of effort that would go into producing something like this really indicates how much of a labor of love it would’ve been to make it,” Nygard says in the segment. He is a board member of the Ripon Historical Society.

“I would encourage anyone who stops by the historical society to really look closely at it, because it’s one of those pieces that gets more interesting the longer you look at it.”

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