Class of 2022: Isabel Feyen ’22

Isabel Feyen '22

We celebrate the Class of 2022, what they have achieved during their years at Ripon and what they hope to achieve in the next chapter of their lives.

Isabel Feyen ’22 of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, majored in elementary education with a minor in adapted physical education. She hopes to start her career as a teacher in the immediate area.

“My time in residence life has prepared me for dealing with situations I might have not been prepared to handle with such grace,” she says. “Especially with having to remain calm in the storm of my future classroom or school community.”

Her special memories of her time at Ripon include “movie nights with my girls, the amounts of laughter and just plain forgetting about the movie playing, is something I will never forget, especially with the chaotic late-night food runs.”

To read stories about other members of the Class of 2022, visit