Abbegayle Lane ’22 to perform senior vocal recital April 23

Abbegayle Lane ’22 of Neenah, Wisconsin, will present her senior vocal recital Saturday, April 23, at Ripon College. The recital will begin at 10:30 a.m. in Demmer Recital Hall, C.J. Rodman Center for the Arts.
The accompanist will be Visiting Instructor of Music Deb MacKenzie on piano.
Lane, a soprano, majored in music education with a minor in theatre.
Selections include “Widmung,” by Robert Schumann; “La speranza al cor mi dice” and “Vorrei che almen per gioco,” by Isabella Colbran; “Pur ti Miro” from “L’incoronazione di Poppea,” by Claudio Monteverdi with Dr. Erin K. Bryan; “Liebst du um Schönheit,” by Clara Schumann; “An die Musik,” by Franz Schubert; “Vedrai, carino” from “Don Giovanni,” by Mozart; “Dirait-on” and “Where Have the Actors Gone?” by Morten Lauridsen; “Many a New Day” from “Oklahoma!”; “What Good Would the Moon Be?” from “Street Scene”; “Dyin’ ain’t so Bad” from “Bonnie & Clyde”; and “When He Sees Me” from “Waitress.”
The recital is free and open to the public.