Caleb Klinzing ’22 to present senior organ recital April 29

Caleb Klinzing '22 playing organ

Caleb Klinzing ’22 of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, will present his senior organ recital Friday, April 29, at Ripon College. The performance will begin at 4:30 p.m. in Demmer Recital Hall, C.J. Rodman Center for the Arts.

Selections include Toccata in F Major, by Dietrich Buxtehude; “8 Kleine Präludien und Fugen,” by Johann Ludwig Krebs; No. 8 B flat Major from “Suite du premier ton,” by Louis-Nicolas Clérambault; no. 1 “Grand Plein Jeu” from “24 Pièces en style libre,” by Louis Vierne; No. 1 “Préamumble” and No. 7 “Méditation” from “Chorale Improvisation on Neumark,” by Paul Manz; the chorale tune “Neumark,” by Georg Neumark; and Prelude and Fugue in C minor, by Johann Sebastian Bach.

Klinzing is majoring in music with minors in educational studies and English. He is interim organist and choirmaster at Grace Episcopal Church in Sheboygan.

The recital is included in the Spring Arts Celebration offering visual art, music and theatre presentations of Ripon College in one evening. The entire celebration will run from 4:30 to about 9 p.m. and include performances, art exhibits, artist talks and refreshments. All activities are free and open to the public.