Class of 2022: Cameron Doerfler ’22

We celebrate the Class of 2022, what they have achieved during their years at Ripon and what they hope to achieve in the next chapter of their lives.
Cameron Doerfler ’22 of Broomfield, Colorado, majored in exercise science-human performance with a minor in strength and conditioning. After graduation, he will return home to work for the summer and eventually will move to Chicago or Milwaukee to pursue a career in firefighting.
“The most important lesson I learned from Ripon was to make the most of my time attending Ripon College by developing close friendships and engaging in sports and Greek life,” he says. “The most important lesson I will take with me forward after Ripon is to remain flexible and adaptable — which attending College during the COVID-19 Pandemic taught me all too well.”
He says a special memory of his from his time at Ripon is playing under the lights at Ingalls Field in Ripon’s first night football game in more than 20 years.
To read stories about other members of the Class of 2022, visit