Class of 2022: Payton Rahn ’22

Payton Rahn '22

We celebrate the Class of 2022, what they have achieved during their years at Ripon and what they hope to achieve in the next chapter of their lives.

Payton Rahn ’22 of Omro, Wisconsin, majored in English and politics and government, with a minor in Ancient, Renaissance and Medieval Studies. She will attend law school at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The most important lesson she learned at Ripon College is “Nothing great ever comes out of your comfort zone,” she says. “Some of my best lessons and best memories have come from doing things that felt uncomfortable and spontaneous, and pushing myself to take on those challenges has shaped my experience here in ways I never expected.”

She adds, “While Ripon has given me so many of my favorite memories, I will always remember the feeling of winning the Midwest Conference championship for indoor track this year with the best teammates, who have also become some of my closest friends.”

To read stories about other members of the Class of 2022, visit