Let’s share instead of tossing out

Give & Go, a new event for student move-out, will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Reading Day, May 6. The student-led effort will be held in the Main Lounge of Johnson Hall and is supported by the Center for Social Responsibility and Residence Life, with funds from a 20 for 15 grant from the Office of the President.
To support sustainability and strengthen bonds within the community of Ripon, students are encouraged to bring any used items that they no longer want to Johnson Hall, instead of being thrown in dumpsters or left behind on campus.
The event is designed to become a permanent part of move-out week. As well as dropping off items, students can look over the donations and take whatever they want for free. Community organizations also will be invited to attend the event and take whatever items they can use for their organizations.
In the past similar events on campus yielded 300 pounds of donations in 2013 and nearly 500 pounds in 2014, not including the furniture that Enactus collected through ReStore trucks.