Off Campus Study


Studying off-campus is a dream experience for many college students. At Ripon, we are committed to helping make it happen. Between faculty-led excursions and international program partnerships, you can easily find opportunities that fit into your academic plans. Expanding your view of the world can be instrumental in becoming the person you are meant to be.

Costs vary by program, so we strongly encourage students to meet with the Office of Financial Aid to discuss expenses and explore financial assistance options.


Liberal Arts in Focus programs consist of three-week courses taught by Ripon faculty, usually offered in May, August, and January. While the specific offerings vary, here are examples of past courses.

Peace Studies in Jamaica

Students spent twelve days in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica, living in the Hagley Gap and Penlyne Castle communities. Using concepts learned in a one-credit course, they worked with children in local schools, supported community improvement efforts, and experienced life in a rural farming area.

In Focus Spain: Seville

During this 18-day study abroad intensive, students immersed themselves in the culture and beauty of historic Seville. They enhanced their language skills while living with host families, taking cultural excursions, and attending classes five days a week.

Intensive Field Studies: Field Ornithology

Field Ornithology is the study of birds—covering anatomy, physiology, behavior, and populations—and the methods used to study them, such as censusing, capturing, marking, specimen preparation, and behavioral observation. During this course, students spent one week on campus before traveling to the Coe College Wilderness Field Station near Ely, Minnesota, for a two-week experience.


Spend an entire semester living in one of Europe’s most vibrant cities, Barcelona. This faculty-led program is customized exclusively for Ripon College students. Live with a host family, travel throughout the Catalonia region, and truly immerse yourself in the local culture.


We partner with programs and universities worldwide to offer off-campus experiences to Ripon students, both abroad and across the country. Full course details can be found in the course catalog.

Programs Abroad

Below are the international destinations for programs offered in the 2024-2025 academic year. Completing a semester abroad for graded credit will fulfill your Global and Cultural Studies requirement.

  • Córdoba, Argentina
  • Montpellier, France
  • Budapest, Hungary
  • International Education – Study Abroad
  • Coldigioco, Italy
  • Tokyo, Japan
  • St. Petersburg, Russia
  • St. Andrews, Scotland
  • Alicante, Spain
  • Madrid, Spain
  • Seville, Spain
  • Toledo, Spain
  • Bangor, Wales
  • Swansea, Wales
Programs in the United States

Below are the destinations for U.S. programs offered during the 2024-2025 academic year.

  • Chicago, IL – Teach Chicago!
  • Fort Knox, Kentucky – ROTC Cadet Leadership Training (CTLT)
  • Southwest USA – Navajo Nation Program
  • Washington, D.C.
  • Woods Hole, MA – Sea Education Association
  • Woods Hole, MA – Marine Biology Laboratory


Become the extraordinary individual you are meant to be at Ripon.