Place A Request
Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a free service that obtains materials not available via Lane Library for students, faculty, and staff. You can request articles, books, book chapters, and videos through ILL. Please direct questions about interlibrary loan to [email protected] or (920) 748-8750.
Before requesting an item, please check to see whether Lane Library has online or print access through our catalog. ILL is only for items not owned by the library. You may not request items that are required reading for class, such as textbooks.
All interlibrary loan requests are subject to United States copyright law.
ILL Frequently Asked Questions
You can find more details and answers to your questions about ILL in the ILL FAQs document. You can also find detailed steps for requesting different types of ILL materials in the FAQs document.
Overdue Materials
Any interlibrary loan item overdue in excess of five days will be fined $1 per day. Any item overdue by thirty days will be billed for the replacement cost of the item, a processing fee, as well as any additional charges levied by the lending library. Fines will be charged directly to your student account.
Service During College Breaks
Winter: The library cannot guarantee a two-month due date for interlibrary loan items and, therefore, is unable to provide ILL service to students over the winter break.
Summer: Lane Library provides interlibrary loan service to faculty, staff, and students working and researching on campus in the summer months.

Please use our renewal form below. All renewals are given at the discretion of the lending library. Please make renewal requests before the due date.