Holistic Perspective on the Environment
Environmental Studies majors at Ripon study environmental issues from a range of perspectives. From conducting research in the Ceresco Prairie to Philosophy and the Environment to exploring the natural and cultural history of Devil’s Lake State Park, students take a core set of courses and select additional areas of interest to explore within the major.
Department Mission Statement
This interdisciplinary program of study transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries. The core includes an introductory course and courses in chemistry, ecology, philosophy and environmental economics. The program also requires the student to take advanced courses in disciplines such as the natural sciences, mathematics and computer science, social sciences, fine arts and humanities. Environmental studies majors do a senior project and complete an individualized learning experience or off-campus experience. The core courses provide the necessary background for environmental decision-making. The elective courses provide exposure to a knowledge base that will allow students greater insight into important environmental issues.
Acres to explore at Ceresco Prairie
Average student-to-faculty ratio

Grady, Benjamin R.
Associate Professor of Biology, Director of Environmental Studies Program

Requirements for a Major in Environmental Studies Core Courses:
ENV 120 Environmental Studies, ENV/PHL 243, ENV/BIO 247, ENV/ECO 332, ENV 500 Senior Studies, CHM 100 Global Chemistry or 111 Organic Chemistry I or 112 Structure and Reactivity, MTH 120 Elementary Statistics or PSC 211 Research Design and Statistics
Elective Courses:
Complete 10 elective credits OR three courses from among the following courses. Students must take at least one course from two of the following three categories*: 1) Natural Science & Mathematics (BIO 228 Plant Diversity, BIO 336 Green Wisconsin, BIO 341 Animal Behavior, BIO 450 Intensive Field Studies or CHM 211 Analytical Chemistry: Equilibrium and Quantitative Analysis; 2) Social Sciences (ANT 222 Anthropology and Contemporary Global Issues, ECO 361 Development Economics I, ECO 461 Development Economics II or SOC 216 Consumer Culture); or 3) Fine Arts and Humanities (ART 190 Sculpture I, ART 194 Three-Dimensional Design, CMM 236 Communication and the Environment Martin, HIS 248 U.S. Environmental History, HIS 285 Global Environmental History, HIS 385 Natural Disasters in World History or PHL 353 Human Rights) *This table of elective courses is not exhaustive. Departmental studies or special topics courses that have a significant component that explores environmental issues also may be counted in any of these areas. Students should consult with the director of the major for details on how to include other relevant courses in their program of study. 3) Complete an in-depth program of study, either through Individualized Learning Experiences (ILE), a substantial Off-Campus Experience (OCE), or an In Focus course that has a substantial environmental component: An ILE may be accomplished by completing at least 2 credits ILE work: i.e., Directed Research, Independent Study, and/or Internship. (Consult the College Catalog for a description of these opportunities. Regardless of the field of study the ILE must be approved by the director; a faculty mentor from within the Environmental Studies major also is required.) Acceptable OCE programs include programs with which Ripon is associated (Italy: Earth and Environment, via Luther College; SEA semester at the Sea Education Association, Woods Hole, Massachusetts; Semester in Environmental Science at the Marine Biology Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts.) Certain In Focus courses offered by Ripon College also will count for this component of the major. (Consult the director for additional information.)
Additional Criteria:
Students wishing to pursue graduate work in environmental studies are encouraged to take additional courses in an area of specialty (e.g., anthropology, biology, chemistry, economics, mathematics, politics and government, and sociology). Note: A student may not both major in Environmental Studies and minor in Environmental Biology.
Core Courses:
ENV 120 Environmental Studies
Elective Courses:
16 credits of coursework designated for the major in at least three different departments, with a minimum of 2 credits per department. At least 4 credits must be at or above the 300-level.
Expect to Experience
A customized major created by selecting courses in anthropology, art, biology, chemistry, communications, economics, history, mathematics, philosophy, political science and sociology
Advanced courses in disciplines like the natural science, mathematics, social science, art and humanities
Off-campus field work or an internship to complete your senior project and gain exposure to methodologies and knowledge important to the environmental studies field
One-on-one mentorship from accessible and approachable faculty for individual research experiences and planning for the future
Leave Empowered To
Students who complete the biology program graduate with the skills necessary to:
Pursue a career in research, conservation, sustainability, education, biology, government, business, law, medicine, social services or park and recreation
Excel in advanced professional and graduate programs
Leverage a vast professional network of alumni through professional contacts made available by our lifelong relationships with alumni
Career Tracks
Graduates pursue a variety of professions in the biological sciences, academia, medicine and beyond. We are proud of our tradition of excellence in placing students in leading medical programs. Our five-year acceptance rate average to medical school is 77 percent.
- Clinical Laboratory Technologists and Technicians
- Medical and Health Service Mangers
- Natural Sciences Managers
- Physical Therapists
- Registered Nurses
- Secondary and Postsecondary Teachers
- Veterinarians
- Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists
Unique Opportunities
The 130-acre Ceresco Prairie Conservancy is a sustainability partnership between the Department of Natural Resources and Ripon College to restore this tract of land to its native prairie, oak savannah and wetlands habitat. Students assist in reseeding the prairie, harvesting seeds and battling invasive species. It includes public hiking and mountain bike trails and an environmental classroom. Students in botany, ecology and animal biology courses carry on research projects on various plants and animals.
Research opportunities and internships, in collaboration with Ripon College professors and major institutions across the country, in areas such as Eastern bluebirds behavior, zebrafish, plant viruses, genetics and rotifers.
The Oak Ridge Science Semester enables students to join ongoing investigations at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee in research areas as diverse as astrophysics, cell biology, DNA sequencing, genetic mutagenesis, parallel computing, robotics, toxicology and more.
Mark majored in biology and environmental studies while at Ripon College, giving him the tools he needed to fulfill his passion to protect the environment. Mark is currently a superintendent at ENCAP, an environmental consulting firm, where he uses his extensive hands-on experience with plant and wildlife species of the Midwest to manage planting, installation, management and controlled burns.
"You can’t teach passion; you can only plant the seed. With knowledge from my Ripon College professors, the seed was planted. I was exposed to a wide variety of studies, economics, ethics, philosophy, anthropology, environmental studies, art and science — all of which play a part not only in the career but also in the life that I have chosen for myself."
Mark DeDina '07
Superintendent at ENCAP
In her time at Ripon, Vanessa majored in environmental studies and with the help of Ripon faculty, spent six months interning in Bangkok, Thailand, where she researched environmental issues in Southeast Asia and the Salween River. She went on to receive her master’s degree in conservation biology and sustainable development from University of Wisconsin-Madison and a Ph.D. in geography, focused on environmental politics, natural resources and development geographies, from York University, Toronto, Canada. She is now an associate professor in the Department of Social Science at York University and maintains an honorary senior research fellow position at the University of Melbourne.
Vanessa Lamb '03
Associate Professor in the Department of Social Science at York University

Ripon College faculty and professional staff are dedicated to helping you reach your goals, whatever they may be and however often they may change along the way. It’s part of our value statement to you.
As a student at Ripon, you will be assigned a faculty adviser based on your area(s) of interest. You will meet with your faculty adviser throughout your time as a student to discuss your current aspirations, plan your course schedule and plot a future trajectory. We also work collaboratively with Ripon College Career and Professional Development to help match your interests and skills to concrete goals and construct a plan for professional success offering personalized career counseling, off-campus learning opportunities and an online job board with potential to connect with local, national and international employers.
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