Pharmacy Program

Accelerate Your Pharmacy Career

An affiliation with the Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW) Pharmacy School in Milwaukee allows students to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree from Ripon College and a PharmD from MCW in only six years. With the 3+3 PharmD program, students will complete their major requirements and the Catalyst curriculum requirements at Ripon in three years, then attend MCW for three years. The first year of credits at MCW will transfer back to Ripon to complete the student’s bachelor’s degree.


Students may apply for admission to the 3+3 program with MCW-Pharmacy in their first or second year at Ripon College. Students must complete all Early Admission application materials and processes at MCW for admittance to the program. Students who wish to be considered for the 3+3 program must adhere to the following:

  • Submit an Application Essay and acknowledge in writing their ability to meet the MCW School of Pharmacy Technical Standards for Admission, Promotion and Graduation
  • Participate in an early entrance interview at MCW during a student’s first or second year at Ripon and be recommended by the School of Pharmacy faculty for program admission;
  • Meet all School of Pharmacy minimum admission requirements
  • Participate in a pre-matriculation interview (separate from the early entrance interview)
  • Enroll full-time (12 or more hours) each semester at Ripon


Byron, Colleen

Professor of Chemistry, L. Leone Oyster 1919 Chair in Chemistry

Clark, Jacqueline

Professor of Sociology, Helen Swift Neilson Professor of Cultural Studies and Chair of Sociology and Anthropology (Fall 24Semester)

Followay, Brittany

Associate Professor of Exercise Science, Chair of Exercise Science, Graduate Program Director

Forbes-Lorman, Robin

Associate Professor of Biology

Manor, Julia

Associate Professor of Psychology and Director of Assessment

Sisson, Barbara

Associate Professor of Biology, Chair of Biology

Willoughby, Patrick

Associate Professor of Chemistry

Requirements Table for Pharmacy Pre-Professional Program
General Biology: 2 courses BIO 121 Introductory Biology (with lab), BIO 122 Ecology, Evolution and Diversity (with lab), BIO 123 Molecules, Cells and Genes (with lab), BIO 206 Biology of Birds (with lab), BIO 210 Topics in Biology (with approval of MCW), BIO 216 Vertebrate Zoology (with lab), BIO 227 Biology of Plants (with lab), BIO 247 Ecology (with lab), BIO 259 Evolution (with lab), BIO 314 Microbiology (with lab)
Advanced Biology: 2 courses BIO 211 Anatomy and Physiology I: Support, Movement and Integration (with lab), BIO 219 Genetics (with lab), BIO 266 Cell and Molecular Biology (with lab), BIO 300 Topics in Biology (with approval of MCW), BIO 305 Biology of Cancer, BIO 312 Anatomy and Physiology II: Maintenance and Continuity (with lab), BIO 329 Developmental Biology (with lab)
General Chemistry: 3 courses CHM 112 Structure and Reactivity, CHM 211 Analytical Chemistry: Equilibrium and Quantitative Analysis, CHM 422 Biochemistry
Organic Chemistry: 2 courses with lab CHM 111 Organic Chemistry I, CHM 214 Organic Chemistry II
Statistics: 1 course MTH 120 Elementary Statistics or PSC 211 Research Design and Statistics
Math: 1 course MTH 201 Calculus I or MTH 202 Calculus II
English Composition: 1 course CTL 110 Writing
Public Speaking: 1 course COM 215 Public Speaking
General Education: 4 courses Catalyst Courses: CTL 120 Quantitative Reasoning, CTL 210 Intercultural Competence, CTL 220 Integration, CTL 300 Collaborative Capstone

Students will work with their Academic Advisors and members of the Health Professions Advisory Committee to make sure that they complete the Catalyst Curriculum, major, and the prerequisites within 3 years. While there is no required major, the prerequisites for MCW overlap with many of the requirements for the Biology, Chemistry and Chemistry-Biology majors.


Ripon College faculty and professional staff are dedicated to helping you reach your goals, whatever they may be and however often they may change along the way. It’s part of our value statement to you.

As a student at Ripon, you will be assigned a faculty adviser based on your area(s) of interest. You will meet with your faculty adviser throughout your time as a student to discuss your current aspirations, plan your course schedule and plot a future trajectory. We also work collaboratively with Ripon College Career and Professional Development to help match your interests and skills to concrete goals and construct a plan for professional success offering personalized career counseling, off-campus learning opportunities and an online job board with potential to connect with local, national and international employers.

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