connect course material with personal experiences
Psychology majors gain the background they need for careers in a variety of areas as well as admission into graduate programs of many types, at both the master’s and Ph.D. levels. Advising throughout the Ripon College journey assures that student choices fit their interests and their future trajectory. Classes strive to connect the field of psychology to other fields, from philosophy to art, and make connections between course material and the personal experiences of our students.
The department stresses the scientific (empirical) approach, and students become adept at coming up with their own ideas for research and carrying out that research. The two-semester Research Design and Statistics course, typically taken sophomore year, greatly promotes this type of learning, and is an important part of our active attempt to promote scientific and critical thinking outside the classroom. In addition, all senior majors conduct original research projects on topics of their own choice, write a thesis to describe them, and report them at our annual on-campus psychology symposium.
We also never lose sight of the fun side of psychology. Whether that’s training rats for our rat challenge, evaluating children’s toys and games, or escaping from Jurrasic Park, students can always find adventure in psychology!

Core Courses:
PSC 110 General Psychology, 211 Research Design and Statistics and 212 Research Design and Statistics , 523 Research Seminar
Elective Courses:
at least five other psychology courses selected from the following: PSC 180 Brain Mind and Behavior, classes numbered at or above 200, two of which must be selected from 300 Departmental Studies , 310 Advanced Clinical/Counseling Psychology, 313 Social Psychology , 317 Learning & Behavior, 324 Behavioral Neuroscience, 328 Sensation and Perception, 339 Cognitive Processes, and each of which must carry a minimum of four credits or receive the approval of the departmental chair.
Other Requirements:
PSC 110 General Psychology and PSC 211 Research Design and 212 Research Design or the consent of both the instructor and chair of the department are prerequisites for all courses numbered at or above 300 unless otherwise noted. Consult course descriptions for prerequisites for classes numbered in the 200s.
Elective Courses:
18 credits in psychology beyond PSC 110 , all approved by the department chair. Each class contributing to the minor must carry a minimum of two credits.
Core Courses:
Students interested in teaching psychology need to complete the secondary education major and the social studies education licensure requirements which include: a history major or minor including 8 credits of World History, 8 credits of American History, and at least 8 credits at the 300 level or above and HIS 295 History and Historians; The following courses to ENV 120 Environmental Studies, PSC 110 General Psychology, POL 220 American Politics and Government, POL 335 Data Analysis and Visualization for Political Science, ECO 211 Principles of Economics or 212 Principles of Economics, ANT 110 The Human Experience: How To Think Anthropologically or SOC 110 Introduction to Sociological Imagination, and EDU 323.
Career Tracks
Psychology can lead to careers in a wide variety of fields, from counseling and therapy to marketing and law. Recent graduates also have gone on to graduate school programs in counseling/clinical psychology, developmental psychology, business, industrial organizational psychology, social work, and women’s and gender studies. Others have launched careers as psychologists, teachers, therapists, research analysts and mental health practitioners.
Unique Opportunities
- Students get hands on experiences in clinical and counseling psychology through our unique curriculum
- Join a practicum or internship in various mental health fields
- Get involved in a research lab where you can study empathy in dogs or enrichment in rats.
- Help test children’s cognitive development.

Ripon College faculty and professional staff are dedicated to helping you reach your goals, whatever they may be and however often they may change along the way. It’s part of our value statement to you.
As a student at Ripon, you will be assigned a faculty adviser based on your area(s) of interest. You will meet with your faculty adviser throughout your time as a student to discuss your current aspirations, plan your course schedule and plot a future trajectory. We also work collaboratively with Ripon College Career and Professional Development to help match your interests and skills to concrete goals and construct a plan for professional success offering personalized career counseling, off-campus learning opportunities and an online job board with potential to connect with local, national and international employers.
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