Alumni Basketball Gathering & Trivia Night

January 27th, 2024 5:00pm

Location: Union Room: Great Hall, MLK, Rotunda

A time-honored tradition at Ripon College, Alumni Basketball, will feature a variety of activities for program alumni, current players’ parents and families, and Red Hawks basketball fans. Beginning at 5 PM the Basketball Program Social will feature food and beverages with Trivia beginning at 7 PM. All proceeds of Alumni Basketball directly benefit the women’s and men’s basketball programs. Pre-registration preferred:


Full Schedule of Events

9 AM Men’s Alumni Game (Weiske Gymnasium)
10 AM – 4 PM Silent Auction (Messitte Atrium)
10:30 AM Women’s Alumnae Game (Weiske Gymnasium) 
12 PM – 2 PM Roadhouse Pizza Open for Basketball Alumni (Downtown Ripon)
1 PM Men’s Red Hawks Game vs. Cornell (Weiske Gymnasium)
3 PM Women’s Red Hawks Game vs. Cornell (Weiske Gymnasium)

5 – 9 PM Basketball Program Social featuring food and beverages with
Trivia beginning at 7 PM (Great Hall, Harwood Memorial Union)

More events.