Rick Coles
Professor of Exercise Science, Associate Head Coach of Football

- M.A. in physical education, University of Northern Iowa
- B.A. in history and physical education, Coe College
Hi, I’m Rick Coles, Professor of Exercise Science and Assistant Coach of Football. I have taught and coached at Ripon College since 1999 after teaching and coaching at two high schools and three other colleges prior to 1999. I have stayed at Ripon this long because of the quality of the community, my colleagues on the faculty and staff, and the excellent young people I have to privilege to teach and coach.
In my time at Ripon I have served as Chair of the Exercise Science Department (seven years), and have taught several different classes including physiology of exercise, motor learning, kinesiology (an anatomy and biomechanics course), functional anatomy, as well as coaching courses.
I have coached the offensive line each year I’ve been at Ripon, and was the offensive coordinator from 2004 through 2019. In addition, I have been an assistant track coach (throws) for five years from 2000 through 2004, and was head swimming coach for five years from 2004 through 2009.
What’s your workspace like?
I have a nice office in the Willmore Center that is very accessible for students.
What’s the best advice about teaching you’ve ever received?
Understand that each student is different, and that different students learn differently.
What tech tool could you not live without?
My cell phone. With recruiting for football, I live on it.