John Dalziel

Professor of Theatre, Chair & Chemerow Chair of Theatre Department

Faculty At Ripon

Rodman 129


[email protected]

  • M.F.A. Scenic Design, University of Arkansas
  • B.A. Theatre, Ripon College
  • A.A., Sauk Valley Community College

I serve as the main designer and technical director for all of the theatre department productions, and I am also currently the chair of the theatre department. I have an MFA from the University of Arkansas in scenic design with a secondary emphasis in lighting design. I teach intro to theatre, stagecraft, lighting design, scenic design, and digital art and animation. My areas of interest are theatre design, as well as technology, and how to integrate technology in both the classroom, and on the stage.

What is something you’ve experienced that makes Ripon College special?
Working with the students, both in the classroom and on productions. Seeing students really find their passion and seeing their growth.

What’s your favorite topic or course to teach and why?
Scenic design, since it is the main focus of my theatre training and career

What’s your workspace like? 
Much of my work takes place in the theatre and the scene shop, so it is a bit different than the standard college classroom.