What Is Greek Life?
Greek Life, aka Sororities and Fraternities, are communities of college women and men who have committed themselves to shared goals and ideals. Greek Life members work together to build community and become the best versions of themselves.
When you join (Go Greek) you can expect to find supportive networks of like-minded people who work together to plan fundraising events, develop their leadership skills, and have fun!
A Fraternity or Sorority meets together once a week to review important dates and information. They also offer study hours, volunteer opportunities, and social events. New members are paired with an experienced member for mentorship and guidance. Experienced members may run for office and serve the group as a leader and attend leadership conferences with other members from around the country.

Alpha Delta Pi – Founded on May 15, 1851, Alpha Delta Pi is the oldest secret society for college women in the world. Established at Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia, the first college chartered to grant degrees to women in the world, the story of Alpha Delta Pi is a remarkable one. Our Mission is to provide women with a meaningful lifelong member experience that empowers them to reach their full potential through leadership, educational, philanthropic, and social opportunities.We believe in the power of sisterhood among women with shared values and diverse experiences. We believe our sisterhood is strongest when we cultivate a sense of belonging, loyalty, and connection in all members.
Follow us on Instagram: rcadpi

Alpha Chi Omega -Alpha Chi Omega is an organization about you: unique, talented, genuine women choosing a fun and meaningful way to enhance your college experience and building lifelong bonds that extend long into your alumnae years.It’s about strength in numbers through the 240,000 real, strong women who stand by your side, cheer you on and lead you to a lifetime of growth and connection. It’s about wearing the lyre badge with pride during a Ritual ceremony, volunteering at a women’s shelter or networking with sisters across the country to land your dream job. It’s about the values you share with your sisters– wisdom, devotion and achievement – as you celebrate and support each other. Alpha Chi Omega is about empowering you to live as your true self, to reach your potential and to be the real, strong woman you are meant to be.
Follow us on Instagram: alphachi_ripon
Kappa Delta – In 1897 at State Female Normal School in Farmville, Virginia, four women forever forged their friendship by creating the sisterhood we know today as Kappa Delta. Now, 125 years later, Kappa Delta has 167 collegiate chapters and over 200 active alumnae chapters filled with inspiring, confident women. When you join Kappa Delta, you join a network of friendship, leadership, confidence and action.
Follow us on Instagram: kd_ripon

Sigma Chi – The fundamental purpose of the Sigma Chi Fraternity is the cultivation, maintenance and accomplishment of the ideals of Friendship, Justice and Learning within our membership. They are referred to as The Three Great Aims of our Fraternity.
Our brotherhood has its roots in the collegiate experience and engenders a lifelong commitment to strive to achieve true friendship, equal justice for all and the fulfillment of learning as part of our overall responsibilities to the broader communities in which we live.
Follow us on Instagram: sigmachiripon
Theta Chi – Theta Chi is one of the oldest men’s college fraternities in North America. Founded in 1856, Theta Chi Fraternity is a men’s collegiate fraternity with more than 200,000 initiated members and has established 245 chapters. Theta Chi’s mission is to develop college-age men into successful students, good citizens, lifelong brothers, and resolute leaders.
Founded on the principle of friendship through the mutual assistance of every member, Theta Chi aims to provide its members with an enjoyable and fulfilling collegiate experience that also prepares them for rewarding, successful lives after graduation.
Follow us on Instagram: thetachiripon

Phi Delta Theta – Our original three pillars haven’t budged an inch since the Fraternity was founded by the Immortal Six at Miami University. The pillars are: The cultivation of friendship among its members, the acquirement individually of a high degree of mental culture, and the attainment personally of a high standard of morality. Shortened, we refer to the Cardinal Principles as Friendship, Sound Learning, and Rectitude.
Follow us on Instagram: ripon_phidelt

Merriman (Phi Kappa Pi) – During the winter of 1919-1920, immediately following World War 1, a group of Ripon College men living at West Hall and Smith Hall, who were war veterans, held a series of meetings, and on April 17, 1920, formally banded together as Phi Kappa Pi. They stood for scholarship, participation in college activities, and outstanding conduct. Merriman is proudly the only local fraternity at Ripon College, Wisconsin.
Follow us on Instagram: merrimanpkp

How to Join:
The process to join, called recruitment, is a mutual decision process where the potential new members have opportunities to get to know members of each group.
Before recruitment begins, potential new members should feel free to follow Greek Life social media accounts, attend Greek philanthropy events, and talk to Greek students about their experiences.
Recruitment for sororities takes place in September. Recruitment for fraternities takes place early in the second semester.
For more information, please reach out to Bri Cyr, Fraternity and Sorority Advisor, at [email protected].